Building staff engagement: Episode 14

[3 min 18 viewing time]

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• How connected do your people feel to your business?

• Do you provide new team members with a thorough onboarding process?

• Are your staff adding value to your organisation or simply receiving a pay cheque?

Business leaders – and SME owners in particular – often tend to forget about one of their primary goals: to create an employer brand where staff become ambassadors and raving fans of the organisation.

It’s all about employee engagement and if employers and leaders don’t develop an emotional footprint in their workplaces, they will struggle to create true engagement.

In essence, employee engagement is passion, loyalty, commitment, drive, and a willingness to go above and beyond to ensure the company’s success. In other words it’s about having a workplace where employees are enthusiastic and committed.

Employee engagement starts with you – the leader.

Are all your employees clear about your vision for the business? What’s the plan? What are the goals? What’s the strategy? What are your expectations?

What is the environment you are trying to create? Is it a climate of trust? You will never be accused of over communicating. So when it comes to communication, tell your team everything or tell them nothing at all.

And just remember – people don’t leave companies. They leave leaders. It’s OK to speak from the heart and to reveal your vulnerability.

There will usually be a gap between the team’s motivations and the leader’s (or company’s) motivations. You have the task of bridging that gap. If you can learn to recognise and engage your staff, they will return your faith in them through solid commitment and high productivity.

A recent Gallup survey showed that only 34% of employees were engaged at work, with 16.5% of employees ‘actively disengaged’ in their jobs. These are scary statistics.

Put simply, if you’re not prepared to invest time in understanding the vulnerable side of your employees and propelling them to excellence, then your employee engagement will be low and your staff will lack any affinity to what you are trying to achieve.

You can’t afford to let your employee engagement erode. Order your FREE copy of “Is Your Team Failing or Kicking Goals?” today and book in your FREE consultation to learn how to build stronger relationships and connect with your employees on a deeper level and, in turn, gain their loyalty to you and your organisation.

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